Early start

14k down, 6 to go to reach my pre-Burj swim target. This morning I struggled to get moving, a 530 alarm just doesn't exactly make me bounce out of bed! Training was good- must get up Earlier and bring the big camera to get the beautiful mist on the water at 6am. Good swim, I'm definitely making progress and improving my stroke- and was told so by my coach (who'd have guessed I taught children to
Swim for over 10 years by the corrections she's
Made!) who works us hard. Thankfully, she hasn't strapped me up to the horrible
Giant elastic band- that's just for the under20's I guess!
But really, though getting up for this swim twice weekly is hard, the feeling I have at the end of it is excellent, and here I am standing at the edge of a flat empty pool feeling pretty proud of myself!
One more week till my swim around the Burj al
Arab- should be some
Good blips after!

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