
By Cumbrialass

Sunny Channel Islands

It was sunny this morning.. so we decided to get out and take advantage of the dry weather before yet another storm arrives. 

We drove down to Rampside and walked the path alongside Walney Channel. It was quite windy at times but I had my jacket with the big warm furry hood. Fletch was much happier  today..and he enjoyed his walk. I took the camera but at times it was a bit too windy to stand still.  

My blip is looking over Walney Channel to Roa Island and Piel Island.. 2 of the ' Channel Islands'

On the way back , what I took to be  a doggy deposit was in fact a toad..or a frog.. A bit of a surprise so early in the year. It looked a bit bewildered as if it wondered why it was there too. ( see extra)

Back home and it was still only early so it was nice to have a potter in the garden in the sun!

Now it's gone grey and windy and the forecast isnt good. 

I did some IT 'paperwork' in preparation for the Archers  upcoming AGM and now going to finish  Ambleside Alibi.
 Its been a while since I've sat and read a novel although I have months when I read one book after the other. Well its certainly good reading weather today! 
Stay safe and warm  everyone. 

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