People At Work - The Librarian
Libraries have changed over the years. So have librarians and I was very grateful to Carol, our village librarian, for letting me blip her.
Of course you'll still find books in all forms - hardback, paperback, large print, audio, ebooks, etc - dvds, cds, computers and newspapers, but you're also likely to find story-time sessions for pre-school children, computer classes for the elderly, knit 'n' natter groups, first aid classes and your go-to supplier of bus timetables, poo bags, food caddy bags and, would you believe, free sanitary products.
Well, that's what you'd find in a Stirling Council library and you're far more likely to hear laughter than a stern 'Shhhhhh!'
We're very lucky not to have had any of our libraries closed during these times of cutbacks, and long may that be the case, especially in the smaller villages, where they provide such an essential service.
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