
By Stuart9613

Double the FUN!

Two bikes in the garage must be twice the fun of just having the one.This one is aimed at Winter riding which in the UK would be the last six months.Better weather protection, heated grips and chunky tires will make riding when the weather is cold and the roads slippery safer and more pleasurable.
The Honda dealership looked after me very well.Took the ride home very carefully being on new tyres, brakes that need to scrub in and a new bike to get used too.However despite the right road strategy,riding defensively and being ultra observant you can't always predict what the average idiot in a car is going to do.We are taught to watch for certain types of drivers most of which tend to be in Audis and perhaps I should have noticed that I was being overtaken by a small blonde in a large 4*4 who was barely tall enough to see out the window when half way through her overtake decided to move into my lane on the inside.This gave me a good opportunity to test the brakes and sound the horn.
This is not a go at women drivers men are equally as bad if not worse.The problem with most car drivers is that the last formal training they had was the hour before the test however many years ago and have never given a thought to improving their skill level since.
As motorcyclists we do get fed up with the age old excuse of "Sorry mate I didn't see you".This translates to "I couldn't be arsed to look".

Back blipping and I am ranting already.Things getting back to normal.

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