Kittens Unleashed!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Well, that didn't go well. 

I blame Caro. She put the leash on Punky and although he wasn't keen he was okay with it. But then she attempted to LEAD him to the back door and opened it with a SQUEAK and that was it. 

He was OFF! Up the stairs! With the leash dragging behind him.

So then Caro had to go and catch him to undo it, and obviously that was more cat trauma, and the next thing, Punky was creeping about, close to the floor, eyeing us both suspiciously. 

Next time, we have to attach the leash and just walk him around the INSIDE first. To get him used to it.

Too much, too soon, man.

As for Jasper, Caro tried him too. He was not as nervous, but he's a lot more fat. Poor little man. 

However, as it turns out, their one day of being desperate to go out, turns out to be just that. Only one day. They haven't shown much interest since. 

So plans on hold for now. Although I might buy a doggy leash for Jasper, just in case.


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