A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Pretty city

Edinburgh day :)

And a lovely wee day it was, too!

Headed into the city for lunch and Bible study with a friend followed by a planned study session at the National Library.

Lunch was lovely...as always it began with Rory play (today's game was putting domino cards [yes, cards!] in a long line...and then various other shapes) which is genuinely smile-inducing. Lunch was tasty and Bible study was brilliant :) getting stuck into looking at wisdom and various passages within Proverbs. Today I was reminded of the quote that HRH used on Friday - "If knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in your fruit salad." and a quote from one of the Rainbows a few months back - "wisdom is using your cleverness in good ways!"


I underestimated lunch duration slightly and so arrived at Library later than expected...and it turns out the library is BIG on rules. So little old me with my pencil case full of pens found herself without any stationary when it came to sitting down with my book of choice. Pencils only!!

There are cloakrooms with lockers where you have to leave big bags and coats, then anything you do take into the reading rooms with you has to be put in clear plastic bags so they can be checked.

Miles away from my uni library! Quite an intense atmosphere within the reading rooms themselves. I am definitely going to give it another try (more prepared this time!) and at least now I know what to expect and that the book I was looking is useful. So not a total waste :)

Starting to use some of the finer details of my camera...such as shooting in RAW...very clever what you can do when you have a picture in RAW format!

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