A, J and a Kelpie

Spent almost two long drawn out hours at the hairdresser this morning. Torture for me when the sun is shining ( or not!)

Came home and had lunch . Asked Fifi if she would like to join us at the Kelpies with A and J . We all had a lovely walk in the sunshine.....even wee A managed to walk most of the way.

On our first walk down the wood this morning we noticed a lot of the trees and shrubs had been cut back brutally hacked by a cutting machine. The tractor tyre prints were visible along the path. It looked awful. This terrible carnage was not even necessary as there were no overhanging branches impeding access.

Blood pressure raised, I messaged the estate and added photos of the damage. No answer. I phoned the estate office to speak to the Forestry manager. He “was on the other line.” Still waiting on a call back. Grrrr!

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