Wild Wednesday ...

.... dark, dreary day. 

As you can see by the dismal lighting in all of my pictures today was another overcast one.  There just wasn't much natural light out there .... the upper right picture of a Common Grackle says it all.

Of course, that didn't stop me from getting out in the backyard to get my usual Wild Wednesday wildlife shots.  I even sat in the blind for a while but that was a waste of time!  There were birds out near the blind until I went in there. I knew they would scatter as I was getting in but I had hoped they would return to the feeders/trees within 15 minutes or so .... but they didn't!  I gave up after 30-45 minutes. 

Fellow blipper Sislesait asked me what kind of blind I use.  The one we have is a photography blind that R got for an incredible bargain at a going out of business sale.  But you can find Tragopan blinds on Amazon for all kinds of budgets. 

I forgot to mention this yesterday .... I saw my first chippy of the year in my own yard!!! Yay!  This is probably the earliest I've seen one in my yard .... the past few years my first sighting has been on March 1. 

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