Unusual choice

A birthday present from R a couple of weeks ago.

R collected us on her way into Lincoln after work and we had a quick meal at Nando’s before heading for the Drill Hall. Both the meal and show were most enjoyable. Joyce Grenfell was a bit before my time, but I do remember her nursery monologues and ‘George’.

I helped out at the preschool in the Public Institute in Fochabers when R was attending and we had a little boy by the name of George. He had a mop of ginger curly hair and an expression of innocence!!!!

At the end of each session the children went into the kitchen for 10 minutes story time, whilst the equipment was cleared away and mums came in ready for home time. We each took it in turn to read the story, which was punctuated by expressions of ‘George don’t do that.....George leave Susan alone......etc...etc... He was a nightmare, but took such pleasure in tormenting the little girls and could move like lightening through the group.

I was reminded of him tonight and wonder what the 45 yr old George is like these days :0)))

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