
New Leadership Team meeting today which meant I had to go all the way to Bracknell for an hour long meeting (politics at play unfortunately) that didn't start until 3pm. As it turned out it was a worthwhile day and I caught up with a few of my stakeholders and project managers while I was there. What they don't know yet (as I only found out in said 3pm meeting) is I'm moving roles next week into a completely new area. I'll find out exactly what on Tuesday. Until then I'm not sure how I feel, I kinda like cyber security.

I've got two days off now, the last of last year's A/L. Himself is also off on Friday so we'll try and do something nice. Tomorrow is either catching up at the allotment or replacing the bathroom window sealant. Fun fun fun.

This idiot cut me up quite badly on the way home and then proceeded to harass me for about 10 minutes after I bleeped my horn at him. I was hoping to get some company details in the photo to report him but no luck.

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