Wistful moments

By KathM


What a day!! I set off for work this morning when my car started making a horrible grinding noise and i started smelling burning rubber. As i pulled over there was smoke coming from the back of the car and a passer by thought my car was on fire. On inspection it turns out i had yet another flat tyre!!! I'm certainly getting my moneysworth out of Green Flag who were fantastic. The young chap dropped me at work as i was already over an hour late, and he took my car to a nearby garage for a verdict. It turned out that a spring had snapped under the car and the steering arm had sliced the tyre all the way round. Yikes, that could have been nasty!! After a big hit to the wallet i'm now home safe with a roadworthy vehicle and i'm definitely in need of a large glass of red!
Anyway, this totally unrelated blip is the honeysuckle growing up the side of my porch which i thought looked pretty.
Phew...cheers everyone.

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