Big boned
Piper stayed still long enough that even in the late night gloom, she is not too blurry.
Long day. Early start to get the kids up and out. Mr B headed off in a flurry of lateness for his flight, and I took the other car to the garage. I seem to have forgotten to mention yesterday’s car tales: one car was in the garage, but fixed and ready to collect. The other wouldn’t start - not even turning over. I had to pick TallGirl and friend up, but happily a neighbour volunteered to do that. Meanwhile, the garage man came out, agreed it wasn’t the battery, and spotted that the starter motor had disconnected itself.
Anyway, today I took the car in and he did a (hopefully) more permanent repair on that. In the nicest possible way, I hope I don’t see them for a while.
Later, work of both the brain-hurting and tedious kinds.
Later still, off to a series of five AGMs and meetings up at the village school. I seem to have been voted back on to the committee, largely due to my sensible interventions on GDPR, I think. Should have kept my mouth shut. But having received a letter from the Maire on Monday explaining that I can’t vote here any more (Brexit), I feel the need to entrench myself in local life, so probably it’s a good thing. A very long and friendly chat with the local head nun can’t have harmed my chances of being allowed to stay either!
Meanwhile, TallGirl had rubbish mock exams, but some good uni news, and CarbBoy gave a radio interview!
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