Where did the snow go?

When we got up this morning the snow had turned to slush and mud. It's never good when you start the day having to get your feet washed after the morning walk. I snoozed in front of the fire as my Man Human went to Haddington for bits and bobs. I didn't go as I didn't think it would be very warm in the pick up. My lady Human was cooling so I stayed to help her, just in case she need someone for tasting duties. The afternoon walk was muddier than this morning, I was mud to the elbows, resulting in the second wash of the day. The Lady Human and the Back up Human have gone off to the theatre, tonight leaving me in charge.

The blip is Yodi, Cali and Sweep after work. Where did the snow go? Not even much on North Berwick Law in the background. Hope your all warm and cosy tonight. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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