View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Highland Potteries

Yippee! I got my MOT. This morning we had a problem when we checked the light before we left for Ullapool. The little repeat indicator on the passenger side of the wing on the car wasn't working. It went on when we first tested then went out and wouldn't go on again so we decided to go down to the garage anyway. They thought at first they could put a new bulb in but it was a sealed unit so they have ordered one and we should get it in a couple of days, but I got the MOT.
The drive down started quite good until we got to the high ground just before Skeoch where the road had a covering of snow on it so I took it very carefully as I haven't driven in snow for years but after Skeoch the road was quite good all the way to Ullapool. Coming home the road was clear all the way and when I arrived in Tarbet there was a bit of a sunset but I decided to put this mosaic fish which is on the walls of the shop in Ullapool. A large part of the wall of the shop is covered in this mosaic plus the bits in between the windows. It is made up of broken pieces of the pottery very cleverly put together to make these fishes.
The weather was mostly dry and cold.

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