Oo treats!
Whilst I walked up to the next village for a very nice catch up with our ex neighbour Dilys over coffee, Tony went in to Leeds to hunt for shirts. He returned with treats, a jigsaw which I will start tonight and a couple of books for me. 'The Thirteenth Tale' is another by author Diane Setterfield. I have just read and recommended her other book, 'Once Upon a River' so I am looking forward to this one. The second book is one I have wanted to read since watching the most excellent movie 'The Hidden Figures' about the women of colour who, very much behind the scenes, provided the computing skills for the American space program. This is their real story with the Hollywood bits removed! Which to read first?
I must also get back to my Czech study which was sidelined during the prep for the orienteering event, now done. Looking at the long term weather forecast there will be plenty of opportunity to do some learning from the settee!
Tony also bought home more copies of 'Peace at Last'. We have been giving this wonderful story to new babies in our orbit since our eldest daughter Becky was given it as a new baby - 37 years ago. There have been three new babies in recent weeks and they will now have their own to enjoy. Our grandson Euan is enjoying it too!
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