The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Children and Pets

Evening all,

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men - Frederick Douglass........and how easy is it to repair broken children when they're a flippin bloody nightmare to work with !!! ;0)

Would like to say it was easy .......but I'll not

Would like to say he was a dream to work with ......but I'll not

"Stand still!"........"I am"......"Your swaying from side to side!"......"No I'm not!!"

32 blurred pics later.........."Do I move that much?!"......Nah.......I was just saying it for a laugh.....its the wall behind you moving!"...........He even looked !!!!!! ;0)

He's a Diva......and the urge to poke him in the eye was almost toooooooo much..... so here's a pic of them before they get blackened lol !!!!!! ;0)

As for the dog or the cat...........I've had enough !!! ;0)

Tomorrow .......Court !! Jury service......thought this was last week...then thought it was next week........alas no......tomorrow !!

Called GrandPappy G......85 today........the joys of calling and hear his beautiful soft dulcet tones explain about bowel problems and containers to pee in just make me yearn for old age.........please.....please.....whatever happens......somebody shoot me if I ever start conversations like this !!!!!! ;0)

Oh .....and HMV are accepting gift vouchers now......boycott lifted, card spent, boycott back on...........;0)

Have a great evening ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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