Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

Travel day...

What a perfect day to travel - weather was just great!

Top new hometown - Albuquerque and the amazing Sandia Mountains. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that view.

Top right...landing in Vegas - wish I could have had a few hours to play ;) It's been a while since I've been to Sin City.

I didnt get any good shots taking off from Vegas or landing in Sacramento - got stuck between two people - uggh. I really don't like flying Southwest.

Got the rental car and drove to the hotel - about a half hour away from the is nice and cozy. I was in the picture taking mood - made my way to Folsom Lake...about 10 miles from the hotel.

It felt so nice to be near the water...the sun was setting as well. It was just perfect. There were a few pups enjoying the water...very friendly, they ran right to me w/ their sticks, wanting me to throw it in the water...I played along ;)

Finished off my day w/ Indian was a really good day. Relaxing. It's going to be a busy couple of days work wise, but I'll try to make the best of it...lots to photograph in Sacramento...heading to Old Sacramento tomorrow, maybe the railroad museum or the zoo.


A year ago...a personal favorite of mine.

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