Going It, Not So Alone

By KimWhitehead


It's truthfully been tough to get through this cleaning project at my Grandma's, and it's not because of the physical labor. A lot of the things that have been stored up here belong to my Aunt Jan, who passed away over two years ago now. It's rough to suddenly find something of hers, or to have to go through a stack of her paperwork. You never stop missing her, but this is a brutal reminder of the loved one we lost. I'm glad I'm the one doing it though, because I think it would really hurt my mom and the rest of my family to have to deal with her things. It makes me sad, but I think it's a healthy sadness. I'm not very good at grieving, I don't think I've ever really even tried to deal with Jan's death. But this I can do alone and I'm free to feel what I feel and then get back to work, and it's good for me. It might be too difficult for my mom and aunts and grandmother. I've saved them a lot of pictures I've found, but besides that I've thrown a bunch of things out and not bothered anyone with it.

A few years before she got sick, Aunt Jan completely renovated her house, making it absolutely gorgeous and turning it into the house she had always wanted to live in. She moved all over the country when she was younger. These were the original blueprints for the renovations that I found today while cleaning.

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