Galloping Ladybird
A potshot of a two-spotted ladybird as it dashed to somewhere else. Ladybirds are very rare this season, which is not surprising because there are no greenfly either. Indeed there are few insects of any species this season. Apart from what I regard as the “dirty flies” that feed on poo. Living over the fence from a flock of sheep for a couple of months has kept me well supplied with them unfortunately.
As I was sitting down to dinner this evening the fantail from yesterday cruised in as though it owned the place. Thankfully it didn’t scold, but just did its sharp chip! as it flew about catching flies from the ceiling. Flies pass through a fantail pretty fast and I was concerned for my dinner as it passed over.
My winter firewood was delivered today- a generous 6 cubic metres of fresh, but almost dry pine logs. They are too long to fit in my stove as usual. Will I be up to cutting them myself (I love my wee chainsaw) or will my son be lumbered with the job?
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