Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie


I woke to just light snow - but a blizzard began shortly after and by the time I left the house - it looked like this. I had to inch my way down the road, so stopped to take the shot. It was really quite slippy - so I needed to be careful and take stock. I had to travel much slower until I was beyond the city before the snow stopped. The bus routes had been gritted, but only one road had been gritted enough to give traction - the others, if gritted, were overwhelmed by the speed of the snow. 
It was a busy day. First meeting 9am, the next one had been cancelled, and I had some urgent work to submit. Then back to back meetings all afternoon. One more urgent job and I left at around 6pm. Luckily the snow had melted, so the journey home was easier.

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