Hanging on

The covid virus stuff is such an up and down ride. Most schools in the 7 northern regions of italy are closed. The radio is full of it. And the numbers - 229 cases, 10% in intensive care and 7 deaths - keep going up.

But life in Tuscany went on pretty much as normal. A scare near Grosetto. But no cases by this evening. indeed, we went to our lighting consultation at BRG in the Casentino. My head was spinning at the delights - a beautiful matt sage finish, a full swivel (snodo) reading light, colours and fabrics to choose from. We’ve come up with a long list. If the covid don’t get us the invoice will.

Hard to know what to say to people coming to Italy. It’s very fluid and the the government is taking an admirably firm line. Better now than later. The numbers are small but the pace of expansion does not bode well.

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