Last walk in St Andrews

This weekend I've been away with the girlies staying in St Andrews. What a lovely, lovely place to spend a few days. Ann's taken me on some really nice walks. I've also had to spend some 'alone time' in my crate while the girlies have gone out eating and drinking and shopping. But that's been OK because keeping watch on 'five alcoholic middle age women' is exhausting so I've welcomed a little home alone chillax time to myself.

All the girlies agreed that I have been the most perfect pooch ever this weekend. I haven't done one single naughty thing. So I'm going to be allowed to go on the next '#girlsontour' weekend. Yay!!!

This morning I went on one last walk before we drove home in the snow. Look how brown the burn looks due to all the rain??!! Fortunately the snow wasn't lying and by the time we got to Edinburgh the snow had turned to rain. Went for a walk in the park this afternoon in the rain.

…...........................And now it's almost 9pm and it's still raining???!!!

…........................And I'm driving Ann mad cos I'm lying on the living room floor squeaking all my squeaky toys. Lol!!!

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