The line-up begins

An unusual Sunday, to say the least.

After church, a quick lunch and then Elbows and I drove away to join an Oak Hall Ski Holiday.

They’re so organised. A team and a tea to greet us, boot fitting, helmet and ski fitting, briefing and loading and on we went, by coach, travelling through the night to Feldberg in Germany.

Elbows booked this at Christmas as a surprise, telling me on my birthday, realising that after a tough couple of months, we could use a break. I think he thought that my dislocated shoulder would be totally fine by now.

The plans to look after the boys back at home have been a tad rocky. My MIL pulled out last minute. My sister has offered but not until Wednesday. So I don’t feel totally relaxed, hence my concern yesterday. But the boys assure me that they’ll be fine.

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