
Sure signs of spring even if we feel as if we haven't had any winter.  As we walk around Spring Lake it is a bit chilly in the shade but perfect temperature for walking in the sun. The plum trees, tucked in amongst the oaks and conifers are blooming, the geese are back raucously defending their potential nesting sites and the sky is blue with wispy white clouds, echoing the clouds of plum blossoms in the woods.

There are lots of people enjoying the sun and the outdoors. ----Kids in helmets race down the hills on their little scooters, parents warning them not to run over us as we toil up the hill. --A mother tells her two little girls crouched over the edge of the lake...'Don't fall in. Don't fall's very very dirty in there.'
The words drift down the trail behind us as the two little girls carry on with their explorations, poking their sticks through the algae growing on top of the water....'don't fall in....'
--Two boys stand on the bridge, fishing poles in the water discussing what they might be likely to catch in there. Mostly trash from the look of it. One minute later I hear one of them call out, 'Dad...I think we're done here...' Patience is not a virtue in a six year old boy, even when he is hoping for a bite.
--A man rides around and around the lake on his bike singing  to the  music of his headphones which only he can hear. This gives him the illusion that he is doing splendidly even though without the accompaniment, he sounds badly off key to us. No matter though. He is happy.
--Another man sits in his fishing boat propelling it forward with his feet on pedals. A paddle rests behind him, presumably for use in case his legs give out.
--A woman in shorts walks ahead of us with a slight limp, cane in one hand and a book in the other, headed no doubt for one of the many benches with a nice view of the lake.

There are dogs of every size and description. Our favorites are two Walker Hounds with appealing black and tan coats and long hound ears, the younger one a rescue we are told as it comes over to greet us.  The man with them tells us the older dog was mad at him for bringing a rival for his attention into the house.
--A corgie has a harness strapped around his body, hind legs hanging uselessly between the wheels attached to the harness. A woman with an empty doggie stroller follows along behind for when the corgi's front legs give out.
--A beautiful golden retriever in a Canine Companions vest walks obediently beside its person, looking up at her frequently for signals. She is deep in conversation with her friend.
--We walk beneath the dam and I couldn't resist taking a picture of the people walking along the top of the dam beneath the blue sky.

It was a perfect Sunday morning. 

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