Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Bus, Bank & Bibliotek

You gota' love the word Bibilotek, it means library and this one is the National Library: AKA - The Black Diamond....... for no particular reason.

The bus prices have risen 120% in the 10 years I've been here in "LegoLand". The bank over there has just announced a charge, just for going into a branch and a unique (in Denmark) new charge for having a basic account then the library wants over 5 quid for entry to the photographic museum which it houses.

Yes, it's my bank.

Oh, and I got another parking fine within five minutes at my local supermarket. Observation time 17:52 receipt time 17:54. I was in the store for two items and took precisely 6 minutes but forgot to set my "clock" in the windscreen. To say I am less than impressed with my 3rd fine for parking in "free" zones would be a nats of an understatement. (£80 a pop !)

Incidentally, I found the guy within a couple of minutes about 800 meters away and around a corner, hiding in shadows returning to his car.(I know the Carlsberg Grounds, where I parked, very well.) He must have been watching me arrive (there are only 20 cars in the 2500 spaces), waited the 4 minutes (or 2 mins 2 second it requires for his digital clock to show 4 mins) and then run like the wind to avoid me. Snake would not begin to describe him but I have not a leg to stand on. Fuck.

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