With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Untamed fig

There was a distinct chill in the air. Whilst waiting to get in through the school gate there was a sudden really wild few minutes of wind that I thought wuld take the rooves off. The meeting with Agu's teacher was fine. He's doing well though the trilingual thing has him slower at certain things (at the moment, I've no doubt it will pay off enormously in the end) and he doesn't always get to show his sparky mind off. Only one thing had be bothered and that was the sequential marking in some maths problems. Apparently it will show them the importance of being accurate. I think it just demotivates. Oh well.

I had a walk up to Binibassi in the sunshine, watching a huge grey bank of cloud sweeping in from the West. Maybe we are due some snow. This fig tree was a contrast to the stark trimmed ones in the nextdoor garden. I could just imagine it under a crust of fresh white snow. That wuld be fun.

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