Sunday's painting...
...I squished left over acrylic paints on my palette with added water. Left it overnight to dry.
Then looking at it this morning, it suggested a waterfall.
So, I then used the children's tempera paint sticks I have shown you in previous days paintings.
The waterfall and clouds were done with the the blackboard white chalk pen I showed you in yesterday's painting. I just used my finger to swirl the clouds and create that cloud effect. Then the waterfall...I used a metal palette knife swiped downwards on the freshly applied chalk pen, and it created that waterfall effect. And because (I presume) I had squished the old acrylic paint in every direction on the paper, it created a texture for the chalk pen white when I used the palette knife. Hence you see water spray! That was a nice surprise! It was an experiment...
Then finally my beloved black Japanese fude pen for the trees...
A horrid day outside. Rain and is an under the electric blanket day...
Update: here is extras is Popeye keeping warm on my lap...
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