The Outback

My Dear Princess and Dear Fat Pete,

Today was a lovely lazy day with Caro and the cats. We just got to enjoy our house without farting about with it or entertaining anyone but ourselves. 

We both love our back garden. It may not look like much, but it is the first one we have ever had. And the green seems to go on forever. 

Theoretically, that section behind our house could be bought by someone with plans to build, but we are not sure if it will happen. It is a long, skinny section and access to it would be problematic. Let us hope we do not find an innovator.

Our back garden is often visited by the local wildlife, including Monarch butterflies which I shall attempt to blip for you, but don't hold your breath. There's also a little black cat and a little tabby cat who come by occasionally and look up in ALARM if ever we look back. 

And then there's all the insect life. We really do feel like we are out in the country here. We have to be sure to close all the windows as soon as it is dusk, or we are inundated with moths and cicadas and the cats go NUTS.

Punky caught a cicada the other night. They seem quite slow-moving creatures and so Caro had to go and rescue it before he ate it. They are bigger than I thought, and I love their singing when they are outside. 

But inside. Not so much. I'm not sure if I'd want to be woken up by one chirping away in the bedroom at 4am.


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