They Call Me Trinity

My Dear Princess and Dear Fat Pete,

Thursday and Friday this week have been a bit of a larf and not very productive. This is because Steve the Scouser has been sitting next to me.

"You two are like those two old men Muppets!" complained Felicity the Australian. This is because Steve and I have a shared frame of reference which includes The Young Ones and Norman Stanley Fletcher.

She is just jealous.

We got talking about Westerns and I asked him if he had seen any of the Trinity films. He had not, so I showed him this video and now he is planning to watch them this weekend.

I love to share.

So it was a pretty good arsing about sort of a day. And afterward I left work early so I could catch the 3:55 train home. I found Caro and the cats much more relaxed than yesterday. Me too. I am looking forward to a weekend of practically nothing. 

And although I talk about the commute a lot, it is not so bad, right? This is about 10 minutes from home, looking out over the water to Kapiti Island just off the coast.

It's a bird sanctuary, and one day I will take Caro glamping there. 

But not this weekend.


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