Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A garden blip today of what I think is a type of jelly fungus.  I've been watching it for a few weeks now and it had started to shrivel up but now with all the rain its come alive again.  Its on a dead branch of the buddleia bush, same one which also has yellow fungi and blipped a few weeks ago.  

There's no let up in the weather, rained all day and strong winds.  Doesn't seem to be an end to it.  Lots of flooded fields around here.  My poor sister in Perth would love our rain.  She got excited this morning when she spotted a few raindrops on the car... it didn't come to anything though.  Slipped over on the boardwalk earlier while walking Misty.  It was extremely slippy.  Note to self... next time keep to the middle where the wire grip is!  My leg is still throbbing :)  At least I didn't hurt my wrist this time :)

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