
By DonnaWanna


Having been an arachnophobe all my life I seem to have some sort of internal alert system that warns me that a spider is nearby. I usually have a cold sweat moment ugh!

I was quite distracted when I picked up Jakes bowl this morning to wash it before his breakfast, so much so that I didn't immediately see the daddy long legs in there until I stood up eeeek!

I didn't freak out, in fact I didn't see a spider, I saw a BLIP!! It was a breakthrough moment! I calmly put the bowl on the bench and got my camera and started taking pictures, no sweating, panting or hairs standing up on the back of my neck! (I know, a daddy long legs is nothing to be afraid of! But normally I would be!)

Truly amazing, although I completely forgot that I had a brand new macro lens that I was dying to use :)

I tipped the spider out the window and slammed it shut with a satisfying thud, goodbye and good luck arachnid and don't come back!

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