hello again

By admirer


Close up of the flower of my new cactus. I don't know yet the name.
I tried several times if my damaged memory card ( perhaps the problem is in the lens)  would want to work, and my remedy is blowing inside the opening, at the card, and at the metal door, and suddenly  I don't know why, the card wants toI co-operate, and I could take several photos. Not the most simple way, but as long as it works, it is ok with me.

Huge thanks to Ingeborg for hosting the Abstract Thursday Challenge.

A terrible shock we felt this morning when we saw the news on tv of the terror attack of a man in Hanau (Hessen), who killed because of his racist feelings and ideas 10 innocent persons. A terrible, terrible deed.
So utterly sad for the family and friends, for the city of Hanau, for everybody who wants racism banned.

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