
We went out this morning and I dropped off some cash at The Mac's house in exchange for a camera bag which Big Col will be bringing up at the weekend. He has organised a 'Viking' photoshoot at the Crannog Centre and Mr & Mrs Mac are putting him up taking part in the shooting.
After that we went for cake and coffee before stopping off at Bags'. She is having a hard time with her line-manager (who will do and say anything to get herself out of the smelly stuff that is coming her way for incompetence) and was nearly in tears when she gave us a call.

The weather has been changing (very rapidly) from sunny to rain, to hail, to snow and back in any combination you care to name.
Because of that I had taken one rubbish picture of the sky through the car window.

I mounted the pictures for the next round in my running exhibition at The Larder at Strathbrock.

When I was up in the loft getting a case for the weekend I spotted the wee chest I bought as a possible photo prop years ago.
So That came down and I used it for today's Blip. I used a wee LED torch for lighting and took a load of shots - half a dozen of which are over here.

There was a message from PD's owners this evening - he had a vet's appointment and he has cysts on three of his paws - one that is going to require an operation. Poor lad.

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