michh's low-tech snaps

By michh


Why did this spider choose to get into my bathroom through the open window tonight?
What does it expect to find here? What are its wishes, dreams, and thoughts about the world?
Will we become friends? Will our perceptual systems fit? And our bio-rhythms? Or will it look at me in anger & fear out of its dozens of eyes each time I use the bathroom?

It seems to be predestinated that this spider will live here for the summer, eat up the flies that stray into, and die at the end of the year, as it happended with its forerunners. Curious... there are so many locations a spider could live and where I would prefer to weave my web if I was one, but it got here, into the bathroom, which is a quite boring place most of the day.

In the end, I guess, it's only randomness.

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