Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Doyle stalking.

Another sparkling day but I was really wiped out and spent the day inside trying to rest.

Having this time at home one focuses on things around the house. We have a very peculiar set up on the first floor stairwell/hallway and I spent quite a long time looking at it and trying to figure out the original plan. With old houses things have changed over the years, spaces find new purpose, doorways closed off and new ones put in. In this instance we have a meeting of 5 doorways all coming together in a small central space. Some of the doors have been removed (such as the one at the base of the back stairs) and are now just "archways" but I can still see the notches in the frames where the strike plates would have been to latch a door shut. The space works but is confusing. I briefly looked on line to see where I might be able to find the original house plans, an ongoing project...

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