Wet Wednesday in Lincoln
I'm full of cold! I called up my parents to say I would not be going over today, and of course my Dad was out and my Mum answered. I tried calling back later but the phone was engaged - and remained so for an hour.
I had to go to town - I really did not want to, but my rubber gloves split at work last night so I had to go to Wilko's for new ones. (Cleaning in the chippy requires the black heavy duty ones that the local shops don't stock!) I picked up a couple of other bits while I was there.
I took this photo of the Stonebow then came home. My Dad called me on my mobile as I was heading back. He had not got my message of course, and their phone had been left partly off its cradle so it would seem engaged.
Work last night was not good. I'd told Ahmed I have a cold, as catching colds is a lot worse for him due to his existing health conditions. I'd forgotten that he takes anyone being ill as a personal offence and works them like donkeys. His own problems have done nothing to change this!
Tonight I will be dosed up with paracetamol and caffeine and have made a miraculous recovery!
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