I went out with PD in the morning and grabbed a couple of shots of the gym equipment before I get soaked with the rain sweeping in. Only I didn't get soaked - we only just got the edge of the rain.
In the woods I put the extension tube on the lens and took shots of the lichens hanging on the twigs and the pin-head flowering fruit in the moss on one of the tree trunks.
SWMBO had a bad night and when she got back with the monsters she took herself off to bed.
I am glad to say that they were as good as gold - even when Squirrel was 'making films' on her camera which involved the two of them playing hide-and-seek while filming.
After lunch I was happy enough to trust them while I took PD out for his walk. It turned out to be a very short walk because PD's paw was acting up and he kept stopping and holding it up. So as soon as he had done his business it was back to the house.
I then took the kids out to get some new pillows and coat hangers. Again, they were great and actually really helpful in finding suitable pillows.
News of PD's foot was passed on when he was collected and I later got a message to say that he will be seeing the vet on Thursday afternoon.
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