
By Stepram

Backyard Snow!

Well this is the view from Toddler E's Bedroom Window. The sepia tones are natural-ish (well Saturation -30 to tone it down) The orange glow from the street lights is bouncing around due to the snow. Its actually quite bright out there tonight, as it often is when we have snow.

Well we have around 7 inches in our part of Edinburgh, not that you would believe that if you live in Edinburgh City Centre, but we are right out near the City Bypass in one of the highest parts of the City. I couldn't believe it when I went into the City centre today a lunch and there was almost nothing.

The roads are all clear, (although the snow is still falling) and I have had not trouble getting around. I have however laughed smugly at a number of people skidding around, ahh the benefits of Good Training and Winter Tyres!

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