The bubble

By Phini

Birthday celebration at last

Had an awesome night.

Drinks, pressies n birthday cake (spot the deliberate spelling mistake). Aunty Claire n uncle Martin had cooked up a storm - very witty.

Chippy n em bought an air guitar (a throw back to rockin to Bon Jovi back in the day). Must get batteries I think much fun to be had with this at summer parties.

Em n stu bought a wicked pair of pewter stag antlers. Husband is most chuffed

Charlotte Tom Steve sari and al completed the drinks gang. Off to the pub for far more beers then a quick shimmy (and of course the final beer too many) and a fifty quid pizza round on the way home.

Uncle M fell over cut his eye open and got a hefty lump on his head and although tipsy he certainly wasn't drunk. I am sure he is concussed. He cut his eye - blood everywhere and he has no recollection whatsoever. Bit worrying. The ice under the snow is horrendous. He was only alone for about thirty seconds. It's worrying these things can happen in the blink of an eye and no one see.

Got to bed at 5am.

Many many belly laughs

So relieved I've achieved my goal of making it to husbands birthday celebration. I can relax a little now.

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