Sunday sunshine..
A better day than yesterday. Still breezy but it has stayed dry up until late afternoon and it is now stormy again tonight.
Quickly fed all the cattle then took the chance to get the 18 blks for this week’s sale round to the cattle crush and gave their heads and tail heads a clip to tidy them up. Worked away quietly by my self , quite happy, and had them all done by 11.30am. Then it was time to feed the twin calves( later than normal as I had forgotten them ! )
Mrs F and Littlemiss off to the pictures in the big smoke so I nipped away to the council skips with a couple of old mattresses Mrs F wanted rid of. I was sorely tempted to get my own back and dump them in someone’s garden down in Gorebridge , as they all seem to think it’s ok to do the same in any convenient field gateway or verge !
I had a wee surprise this morning. My last ‘autumn ‘ calving cow decided to calve during the night. She was chewing her cud at midnight when I checked her so must have got the urge after that. Hopefully it has had a sook. All the experts talk about having a tight calving pattern and a six week calving period, but I’m of the opinion that a late calf is better than no calf . You can’t sell no calf ,can you !
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