Stay calm...

...update on the way.

We braved the wrath of storm Dennis, probably worse than it was yesterday, but we have no choice the clock is ticking down.

The last of the collage is my arch nemesis. this 73" by 18" door should have taken about half an hour to fit and finish. A day and a quarter later...!  A perfect bugger to fit, and I'm still not happy with it In the end I left the door on and moved the facings and jambs. What an utter faff for a cupboard door. The false drawer fitted in spite of being impossibly inaccessible. Last unit door on. Just one coat of paint left on the walls and the sodding pantry door and the kitchen is done once the blue protective film on the units can be removed to reveal all.

Anyway Mrs FP used up £3 worth of frog tape around the vestibule door handles. I hadn't the will to point out it would have just taken a minute to remove the handles. I retired to the last bedroom and began wallpaper hanging which I find relaxing and therapeutic. 

7 days left.


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