A Clouded Rainbow

Mother of Pearl 
An ancient shell
on their shelf
a memento, a reminder of the sea
of the coast
glistening under the film of dust
of the passing years
a clouded rainbow
shimmering color in the surface,
in the depth of the shell,
its skin, its sinew
reflecting, refracting
living color
urging young hands to touch
young eyes to marvel
at its iridescent beauty
saved and treasured
on their shelf
Raymond A Foss

Dennis doing his worst but in between the gales and hails some sunshine and a bracing yomp around the circuit. Treasures to be spotted in the murky sand.
The poem made me smile for, due to the inclement weather and general untidiness, I undertook a quick clean of the sitting room. On the mantelpiece lie, somewhat sootily and dustily, an interesting collection of treasures: a small ebony head from Africa, a Roman lamp from Tunisia, an ammonite, some rose quartz, two Bridget crosses, an iridescent vase made by Himself, a glass dolphin and a snail gifted by Gitama, some Venetian glass in the shape of a sweetie, two candles, a colourful jug from Dingle with dry hydrangea heads, and, on rather nice hand pressed paper, the wifi code!  A bugger to dust. No shells though - they are elsewhere.

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