cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"I got the music in me"

Up and in to work early today as I had places to be tonight! To say that today was blizzard conditions would be an understatement! Crazy weather in Dundee!! I think I would much more prefer it if it would just properly snow and that way I'd even get that potential snowball attack from that friend of mine out of the way too, rather than just this sleety rain all the time!

Went to my first Scottish country music band practice back at uni tonight. I'd been asked to go along by my lecturer as he remembered I said I played piano and they had just invested in a new Roland piano so he thought I would enjoy it! Firstly - very weird to be wandering round the corridors again and secondly, aside from having not played the piano in a very long time, the music being stupidly fast in comparison to what I'm used to and just general lack of piano key awareness, it was really good fun and I think I will enjoy it! It's certainly a good skill to have! It was also lovely to hear my lecturer play the guitar after all these years! Nothing beats the acoustic guitar!! :)

I left the practice with a collection of sheet music so I really need to go away and practice! One problem - I don't have a piano of my own in Dundee! :( An investment opportunity perhaps??!

# I've got the music in me - Jump5 #

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