
By Cumbrialass

Soggy Saturday

By some miracle, as we stepped out of the door wrapped up in all our wet weather gear... it stopped raining!  So Fletch's walk was quite pleasant.. although it was only round the local streets. 

Back home I went into my "studio " aka the spare room. The challenge was to photograph something to sell. I envy those with fancy photograph lightboxes and backgrounds etc. I had Fletchs fluffy black dog blanket and the torch.. took several attempts to get the settings right! 
My lighting was regulated by having the curtains half closed or not.. and a small, hand torch! 
This is the simplest photo I took ..  I quite like it. 
I  managed to  finally get 2 photos for next weeks theme.  If not creative I should get points for effort! Lol
If nothing else it was a great way to pass a very wet afternoon. 
More rain tomorrow.. I suppose if it was colder we would have lots of snow.. which would actually be more preferable I think.

Whatever the weather is wherever you are, stay safe

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