Birthday lunch

Working from home in Chorley and the fact I wouldn't be drinking made it feasible to drive into Manchester for lunch with the birthday girl, Hannah. We met up at Mackie Mayor's for the opening of presents and a glass of violet fizz (for her).

What a difference twenty-seven years makes! Funny to think that when Hannah was born, I only had one other child, Charlie, who wasn't quite two years old. Despite all the time that's passed, I don't feel like I've changed - apart from looking older - and yet here I find myself with a confident, funny, smart young woman where a moment ago there was a baby. 

Funny also to think how in some respects Hannah hasn't changed either. She was always beautiful, always full of smiles and laughter, but also uncompromising from the get go. Charlie was such a 'by the book' baby, we honestly thought we had parenthood cracked! But no :-)

-11.4 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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