It's Oh, So, Quiet.... It's oh so stillllllllllll

We woke up at stupid o'clock today.  Why is it, i have to drag myself out of bed at 7 on work days, but come the weekend, the eyes bounce open at 7 and I'm wide awake.  I read for a while, and finished a very confusing book and was up and dressed by 8.30. 

I forced himself to get up also.  

And we made it to the supermarket for Quiet Hour. 

Quiet Hour is to assist people with autism.  

The Lights are dimmed, there is no music. the tills don't ring and the self-serve check outs do not scream, "Remove the items from the bag and wait for an assistant. 

It was very pleasant.  So pleasant that I was tired half way round. 

Also - another added bonus -  the shelves were really, really full .

In other new - the storm wasn't all THAT here. 

And other news.  Social Media is cruel, and Poor Caroline Flack did not need to be vilified the way she was, which led to this awful news. 

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