The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

We are Family

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We headed up to Banchory for the night to visit Penny and Albert. Murphy is staying with Mary Doll. For some reason, he doesn’t sleep at Penny & Albert’s house which means that The Prince and I end up being exhausted which really isn’t ideal for the drive home. For The Prince obviously. He does all the driving. I’m asleep!

Ciara has passed the baton to Dennis so it P1shed with torrential rain for the entire journey up there. Right until we arrived in Banchory where it was dry and flat calm! It was very odd. Dennis seems to have bypassed Banchory. Who knows? Maybe he’s avoiding a difficult ex.

It was a lovely night. We always tease Penny about the amount she feeds us - we had a late lunch when we arrived and dinner four hours later. With coffee and cake in between! Thankfully the ample supply of wine staved off a food coma and we sat around the table playing cards. I have little flashes sometimes where I’m aware that there are a finite number of these nights and it makes me appreciate them all the more.


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