Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Day 21:What You Do(through the eyes of a 2 yr old)

Play, take photos, cook, clean, facebook (!), cuddle, eat fresh food & press ups!

I love my 2 year old. All of these pics except her dodgy press up interpretation one were genuine goings on from her busy day. Made me realise how much like mummy she actually is.

The older 2 didn't get the snow day they were hopin for so I dragged them to school on their sledges. I should've thought it through first. 2 sledges, 2 arms, 3 children & 3 school bags. One of kids hates snow.

Preschool was snowed off so L and I set about doing some fun stuff. Also squeezed in some time for cocoa and an online food shop. Just the essentials mind...£123 later! :-S

After signing up for the half marathon on Saturday night the snow came thick and fast and I am yet to tread the paths. Worrying me a bit now about not getting any distances in before hand. Come on now snow, you've had your fun (unless your my kids who've missed all the action due to being at school).

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