Golden bit

Another morning of dragging myself to the beach in some sort of haze to walk the dog and then go to work. I was at the chemist by a few minutes past 9, demanding to see the pharmacist for a better solution than the herbal nonsense. She talked me through her potential remedies after initially checking in a quiet voice in the busy shop if I was “worried about the c word?”. I confirmed I was fine on the c word front.

I didn’t hold out great hope in her proposed solution but one interview and then the second passed without traumatic incidence and I suddenly realised I felt a bit better. True joy all round. I went to Lidls and everything in celebration.

Then I cooked Jay a curry for his Valentines card. And watched the end of the Stranger on Netflix.

And for the first evening this week I haven’t coughed like I couldn’t stop. Am elated. I’m going to lie down flat in my bed in celebration.

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