The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Calne (Wednesday 12th February 2020)

In an attempt to be more green I attempted to get to Templars Firs by bus this morning. It wasn't entirely successful as it isn't directly on a bus route and the footpaths needed crossed an estate and weren't marked. I made it there, though, an hour and a half later, and was rewarded with a good view of a kestrel, hovering and hunting in an adjacent field, and a small flock of long-tailed tits by the footbridge leading to the railway footbridge. This gave me lots of focusing practice as I was using a 55-300 lens with a 1.4 converter, giving me an equivalent 630mm on an APS-C sensor, but the results were not good, due to their speed and positioning behind branches.
I returned to a different bus stop by another route, which I found to be preferable.
Before I caught the bus from Calne I'd had time to try the lens at the Wharf. One of the swans was on the canal and the ducks were enjoying the bright sun both on the canal and on my side of the path. My preferred shot of this drake was taken with the converter - but at a focal length that could have been achieved without it. The Extra was taken at 420mm (630mm equivalent).

12.2.2020 (2011 hr)

Blip #3143 (#2893 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #002
Blips/Extras In 2020 #025/265 + #012/100 Extras
Day #3610 (820 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #2272 (#2113 + 159 in archived blips)

Calne series
Ducks series
Wilts and Berks Canal series
Canals series

On The Wharf, Calne, 12 February 2020 (Flickr album of 15 photos)

Taken with Pentax K-5 and Pentax HD P-DA 55-300 mm F4-5.8 ED WR lens with 1.4x Pentax converter

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Van Morrison - Bein' Green (1973)

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